Mountain Milk Co-op announces milk supply agreement with the Milawa Cheese Company

19 January 2022

The Mountain Milk Co-operative have signed a milk supply agreement with the Milawa Cheese Company. The first truckload of milk will be delivered to the cheese makers on Monday, 24 January 2022.

The Milawa Cheese Company was established by the Brown family in 1988, and is still family owned to this day. They produce some of the best handmade cheeses in the country, including the Milawa Blue and the iconic King River Gold. Ceridwen Brown, CEO of Milawa Cheese Company (pictured signing agreement) said “we have been looking for an opportunity to partner with local farmers like this for over 30 years”.

Mountain Milk Co-operative said of the agreement: “For us it seems like a marriage made in heaven – two family owned and operated businesses who care about their communities, what they produce, and how they produce it. The best cheese made from the best milk. We can’t wait to get started!”

“So next time you are driving through Milawa, drop in to Milawa Cheese to taste some of their delicious, hand made cheeses. Soon to be made with Mountain Milk!”

Mountain Milk Co-op and Milawa Cheese Company with Ceridwen Brown, CEO of Milawa Cheese Company signing their agreement

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