Get help

Looking for help with co-op business planning? The Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals offers support, information and resources for new groups undertaking co-op business planning.

BCCM works with a range of trusted industry associates who understand the co-operative and mutual model of enterprise.

How we can help you

Workshop your co-op idea

Test your co-operative idea with a telephone consultation via the Co-operative Farming hotline.

Get a referral for professional services

The BCCM provides referrals to advisors who can assist with the fundamentals of co-operative business planning:

  • Co-operative development and business planning
    • Test the feasibility of your co-operative idea.
    • Develop your co-operative business plan.
  • Legal and governance
    • Get advice on co-operative and mutual legal structures and governance.
  •  Accounting and auditing
    • Develop your financial projections and tax position.
    • Advice from professionals experienced in co-operatives.
  •  Co-operative finance
    • Guidance on co-operative securities and financing options.

Contact the Co-operative Farming team for a referral

The BCCM does not warrant or guarantee the work undertaken by any advisers or professionals under referral and is not liable in relation to goods or services such advisers or professionals may provide to you. The BCCM makes all attempts to provide accurate and up-to-date information but does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of information provided.

Virtual support

Register for BCCM’s online modules in Learn.

Browse our summary of co-operative education in Australia.

News and events

Stay in touch with all things co-ops and mutuals: read latest news, media releases and in the media, sign up to our e-newsletter (in the footer of this page), like us on Facebook,  or follow us on Twitter or Instagram, and join our Facebook group. Browse the BCCM video gallery.

The Co-operative Farming project is hosting livestreaming events suitable for new and existing co-operatives. See what’s coming up.

Find a co-op

Co-operatives are usually willing to share information to assist other co-operatives at all stages of development. Reach out to a co-op in your area or industry using the Co-operatives and Mutuals Geolocator.

Become a member of the BCCM

Co-operatives and mutuals can become a member of the BCCM. The BCCM is the national peak body for the co-operative and mutual sector. Get member-only support, resources and networking opportunities. Contact us to discuss the benefits and options for membership as a start-up co-op.


Brett Kelly, Agribusiness Consultant on a collective co-operative.

“Being in a co-operative, you’re a team player, and it’s a situation where you loan the actual company collectively whether you’re a large operator or a small operator. And you all are working together to build that business in a future of sustainability. So if you don’t have the right, I suppose, attitude, that you don’t want to play in a situation where you’re working together collectively, then you shouldn’t be in a co-operative. I think otherwise, though, a co-operative is a great vehicle for farmers to get together and build their business.”

Extracted from Co-operative Conversations, Episode 4