Co-operative Conversations episode 5 part 1: interview

12 August 2020 18:30 - 19:15


Securing our bread bowl – safeguarding growers through collective efficiency

Farming can be a risky business, swinging from feast to famine, drought to flooding rains.

Renowned agricultural journalist and Co-operative Conversations host Pete Lewis talks with Natalie Browning, Western Australian grain farmer and new generation director of CBH, about how farmers can take some of the risk out of agricultural production by co-operating in business together.

Follow the journey of a farmer who has grown from member to Deputy Chair for one of Australia’s largest co-operatives.

Co-operative Bulk Handling, or CBH, is Australia’s largest co-operative and one of the nation’s biggest agribusinesses, exporting the grain of 4,000 West Aussie farmers. Formed by farmers over 85 years ago to drive collective efficiencies for Western Australian farmers in exporting their grain to the world, a purpose which holds true today. It has a fascinating story, with lots of triumphs and tribulations along the way.

Episode host – Pete Lewis

Join Pete Lewis for an inspiring interview series as he explores the journeys of some of Australia’s most interesting and successful co-operatives. Pete’s long and varied experience as a journalist specialising in agriculture will ensure he gets to the heart of the issues you want to hear about.

Natalie Browning, Director, CBH Group


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