COVID 19: Available support for co-operatives and mutuals

01 June 2020

BCCM is working hard to support co-operatives and mutuals as they work to remain resilient to disruption caused by COVID-19 (coronavirus). Our work ensures that the interests of co-operatives and mutuals continue to be represented in a challenging business landscape.

We’ve been hearing many stories about how businesses are supporting communities to cope during these difficult times. Of course, helping our members is business as usual for co-ops and mutuals!

Indeed, our business models have real advantages compared to corporates: we’re more adaptable, faster to move and able to cut operating costs more easily because we’re not having to answer to distant shareholders.

Here’s what else co-ops and mutuals are doing:

  • proactively managing emerging supply chain risks
  • working hard to re-activate markets and keep cash flowing to member businesses
  • calling on their members to support the communities being impacted by coronavirus
  • regularly meeting with government to respond to calls for feedback about how the Australian business landscape is responding to COVID.

Resources for co-operatives in managing COVID-19

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